(805) 908-0100 | Thousand Oaks, CA

(805) 908-0100 | Ventura County, CA

School Physicals

Why have Yearly Physical Exams?

While preparing your child for the new school year can be hectic and overwhelming, it is important to keep a check on their health and well-being. Dr. Jessica Adkins, MD offers a thorough physical exam aimed to check the child’s motor, sensory, social, and verbal development. For teens, the visit can serve as an opportunity to discuss issues such as drinking, smoking, drugs, sexual activity, and mental health.

More often than not, school physicals are health exams that most schools demand before students can engage in athletics or other activities. These are annual visits that children and teenagers get from their doctors allowing the latter to assess the child’s progress and address any physical, emotional, or social concerns.
Physicals are also a great way to ensure that your child’s vaccines are up to date and that they don’t have any serious health issues.

For children heading back to school, a proper checkup is important to evaluate any issues they may be dealing with. For example, a back-to-school physical can touch on whether a child’s vision is developing properly and address any other physical development issues that are important to a growing child.

School Physicals include:

  • Height and weight
  • Blood pressure

  • Eating and sleeping habits

  • Heart rate, lung function

  • Musculoskeletal issues

  • Vital signs

  • Ears and throat

  • Allergies, skin issues, and nutrition

  • Review of all medications and medical history

  • Physical exam


What to Bring

You should bring your child’s immunization records and a list of any medications your child takes, including prescription medications and over-the-counter medicines. You should also bring the form that the school is requiring to document the visit.

Dr. Jessica Adkins helps children feel comfortable so they develop good health habits.

Make an appointment today by calling (805) 908-0100

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